Jony ive designs
Jony ive designs

It’s a shame that Ive is leaving Apple without reconciling this. “They were trying to make honest products that would last a lifetime.” “I think he looks at our modern world of throwaway products and hyper-consumerism in horror, really,” Hustwit told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. “He doesn’t feel like he’s responsible, but I think he definitely feels like he had a role in getting to where we are now.

jony ive designs

Gary Hustwit, the documentarian behind the design-focused films Objectified and Rams, understands Dieter Rams’ conflicted views on Apple’s products better than many alive. For years, Apple has openly combated green standards that would make products easier to repair and recycle, stating that they need “complete design flexibility” no matter the impact on the environment. That’s one of his 10 principles for good design: “Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment.” But Ive has never publicly discussed the dissonance between his inspiration and Apple’s disposable, glued-together products. Rams loves durable products that are environmentally friendly.

jony ive designs

And Apple has made a lot of them-they’ve stamped out over one billion iPhones to date, with a current production rate north of 600,000 per day. The iPod, the iPhone, the MacBook Air, the physical Apple Store, even the iconic packaging of Apple products-these products changed how we view and use their categories, or created new categories, and will be with us a long time. Ive succeeded at building on the concepts he celebrated in Rams’ work at a vastly greater scale than anything Braun ever produced. The Braun juicer exemplifies what Ive admires most about Rams’ work: useful, accessible products, beautifully made but produced at high volumes. In the introduction to the coffee table book “ Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible,” Ive shares his childhood memories of the MPZ 2 Citromatic juicer his parents bought. Ive has written and spoken about Rams numerous times. Some of Rams’ designs for Braun found direct analogues in Ive’s Apple work. Jobs and Ive took inspiration from Dieter Rams, the legendary industrial designer renowned for functional and simple consumer products. Jobs built the world’s wealthiest corporation making computers look great alongside Jony Ive, Apple’s outgoing chief design officer.

jony ive designs

“If you’ve looked at computers, they look like garbage,” Steve Jobs said to a group in Aspen, Colorado, at the 1983 International Design Conference.

Jony ive designs